Change a Paradigm. The US Great Plains, our "American Serengeti" is not doomed.
Work with us, towards a strategy of and for bioregional regeneration, patterned around the watersheds, wetlands and surficial geology of America's heartland.
For water security, and for material, medicine, food, shelter, biodiversity...
By slowing water flow, enhancing infiltration, and restoring vegetation, it is our aim to cultivate more resilient landscapes capable of supporting thriving ecosystems, sustainable agricultural practices and healthy, wealthy communities.
Featured in The Rain We Keep: The Quest to Rehydrate the Plains, a documentary series by Panhandle PBS
Engage. Educate. Empower.
Cost Effective & Nature-Based
US irrigated agriculture is pumped from the HPAS
At Ogallala Life Our work focuses on:
Explore our work to cultivate a bioregional learning center at Wildcat Bluff, and demonstrate effective landscape rehydration works along watersheds in the Canadian River valley, on the Kritser Ranch
Discover how you can support our initiatives, engage with our efforts and help us help you rehydrate the High Plains Aquifer System, and rejuvenate its' living communities.